Grand Theft Auto -videopelisarja on saanut hurjasti julkisuutta ja osoittanyt oivallisen kehityskaaren tietokoneen koukuttavasta lintuperspektiivin ajelusta elokuvamaiseen kolmannen persoonan toteutukseen.

Monet ovat sanoneet olleensa pettyneitä GTA V -osan juoneen, itse mukaanlukien, ja esimerkiksi San Andrean juoni saattaa vaikuttaa jännemmältä.
Oheisella videolla tämä stylophone-versio musiikista – GTA San Andreas Theme Song (Stylophone cover):
Tässä alkuperäinen musiikki – GTA San Andreas Theme Song Full ! !
Sekä toinen coveri – GTA San Andreas Theme Song Cover (All Instruments):
Arvostan tuossa viimeisessä erilaisia erikseen toteutettuja foley-ääniä. Hienoja ovat. Josko se GTA 6 tulisi jo jossain vaiheessa myyntiin. GTA V on yksi pisimpään elossa ollut viimeisin versio näin suosituissa peleissä (2013-2020). Mm. tässä artikkelissa ennakoidaan, että joudumme odottamaan GTA VI -peliä vielä jonkin aikaa: GTA 6 news and rumors: when will Grand Theft Auto 6 be announced? (2.9.2020).
Some rumors have suggested that we could see the next Grand Theft Auto announced this year, with a potential release in 2021. However, this seems highly unlikely. For a start, during the PS5 games reveal on June 11, Rockstar revealed it’s bringing an enhanced and expanded edition of GTA 5 to next-gen consoles in 2021, suggesting that GTA 6 will be released sometime after that. In addition, Rockstar has been focused on getting Red Dead Online up and running – and GTA Online is still raking in the dough – which may have diverted attention, not to mention the delays potentially caused by Dan Houser’s departure from Rockstar and the ongoing Covid 19 pandemic.
At the more conservative end of the scale, reputable industry analyst Michael Pachter predicts the game’s actual release could be as far away as 2022. In an interview with Gaming Bolt, Pachter said that he thinks a 2020 announcement with a 2021 release would be the best case scenario, while a 2021 announcement with a 2022 release or later would be more likely.
But the most solid GTA 6 release date hint comes from publisher Take-Two Interactive’s marketing budget. Reported by VentureBeat, Take-Two’s 10-K SEC filing (which lays out financial plans for the next five years) shows that the company expects to spend $89 million on marketing between April 2023, and the end of March 2024 – that’s a huge spike and, as the report points out, more than half the marketing budget expected for any other fiscal year over the next decade.
This has led industry analyst Jeff Cohen to predict that this spike is because GTA 6 is expected to release within this period.
Voisivathan portata näitä vanhoja pelejä uudelle tasolle. Ei tarvitsisi kuin muuttaa grafiikat ja pelattavuus – Juoni, esineet ja hahmot on jo.

Videon toteutti maromaro1337 -youtube-kanava. Myös muita kiinnostavia covereita on kanavalla.
GTA VI – feikkitraileri: