Taru sormusten herrasta -elokuva, jossa Uruk-hait puhuvat normaalilla äänellä


Uruk-Hait puhuvat ihmisten kieltä

Tässä olisi kiinnostava projekti jollekin foley-osaajalle ja dubata kaikki örkkien ym. äänet normaalilla äänellä Taru sormusten herrasta -elokuvatrilogiassa. Nyt tarjolla on kaksi lyhyehköä pätkää.

Uruk-Hait puhuvat ihmisten kieltä
Uruk-Hait puhuvat ihmisten kieltä

Ohessa videot, joilla tämä muunnos on tehty.

Uruk-hai With Normal Voices:

Uruk-hai With Normal Voices – Lurtz: Saruman’s Perfect Soldier:

Mielenkiintoa aiheeseen tuo lisäksi se, että Tolkienin teoksia on tutkittu tarkasti, josko ne sisältäisivät rasismia. Tässä ote tutkimuksesta Örkit- / Uruk-Hai -kohdasta:

The mostly white Free Peoples of Middle-Earth doing battle with the hordes of beast-like orcs is seen by some as an indication of racism.[source?]

Of the orcs, the Uruk-Hai are described as ”black [2] and a smaller orc, a tracker, is described as ”black-skinned”.[3] All orcs are often described as ”slant-eyed” and the Uruk-Hai at least refer to the Rohirrim as ’white skins.’ In Letter 210, Tolkien described Orcs as ”…squat, broad, flat-nosed, sallow-skinned, with wide mouths and slant eyes; in fact degraded and repulsive versions of the (to Europeans) least lovely Mongol-types”

While Tolkien’s statement comparing Orcs to the ”Mongol-types” may be interpreted as racist, he does put a disclaimer, ”(to Europeans,)” before ”least lovely”, at least recognizing Western cultural bias and also pointing out that they were ”degraded and repulsive versions” of ”Mongol-types”, not actual ”Mongol-types”. It is worth noting that some Orcs use crooked or bent swords (Tolkien also uses the term scimitar, which is historically associated with the Middle-East).[source?]

Orcs however, are not men. Unlike the wicked men who serve the Enemy, who might have been enslaved or beguiled, orcs are portrayed as irredeemably evil, or at least having a redemption outside the scope of the narrative. The origin of orcs is not clear, but they may be products of Morgoth’s sorcery, or the descendants of tortured and ruined elves or men. Regardless of their origins they are not presented as a natural race.[source?]

Lähde: Tolkien Gateway – Racism in Tolkien’s Works

Uruk-Hai -- The Lord Of The Rings
Uruk-Hai — The Lord Of The Rings

Mielenkiintoisia pohdintoja.

Lähde: Geekologie – The Uruk-Hai From The Lord Of The Rings But With Normal Voices